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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Day 2

This morning (Friday) was our first waking in Chile.
It feels and smells so good here. I love to go outside. All the house walls are made of concrete so they are colder inside than out. It's winter here but very pleasant outside during the day. We took a walk at night and had to wear our heavy coats. Our first breakfast was pancakes with fresh fruit topping and lemons from our tree out back. During the meal Nehemiah started crying. When we asked him what was wrong he just said, "I don't know Spanish!". We could all relate. During a family meeting everyone was asked what they wanted to do in these first 6 months. Here are there responses: Asaph (13) become a better musician, Sim (11) garden, Havilah (15) Make friends with the neighbors and learn more Spanish, Zion (12) learn Spanish, Naphtali (8) grow another lemon tree, Jennifer; secure a place to live next, learn Spanish enough to talk to children in the orphanage, have a safe and happy birth, Nehemiah (5) eat good for you food, Zuriel (10) get to know our way around the neighborhood and be able to run errands for Mama, Ephraim (17) go to a Spanish speaking church, join a Spanish speaking home school group and have a few rich students to teach, Leon; Get MCT certificate, get a job and work Visa, learn language, find ways to fellowship with Chileans, learn verb conjugations.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Zuriels comment about learning her way around town to run errands for Jenny was sweet and it sounds like things are going very well.