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Monday, February 20, 2012

together at the house show

The show was wonderful. Thank you to all who attended. Several people sang to us and young Miss Barnhart played her violin. My family tried to love everyone and give them a smile with a few of our songs.The powers family reminded us of why we love Yeshua. Kevin Carr caused us to long to relate to each other face to face, patiently.
Marshall Mclean helped us ache with the exquisite pain of love and life but not without the balm of Heaven's sweetness. The poetry worked on us almost like a smoky potion filling the room only instead of confusing, it made everything more clear. When he was singing to us, I looked around and saw the same look in peoples eyes that I knew was in mine. For just a few minutes we were together, in community, agreeing with what's real in this world.
We could really love in that moment, we could really care,.. like we always want to. Not yet, shaking it off to don our surface smiles and say, "I'm fine, fine and you?" When we wish we could be real and we long to be truly seen.


messengerfamily said...

i wish i could have been there, left wanting

kevin and allegra said...

I'm so glad to hear it was wonderful! We so badly wanted to come. We have been listening to his cd non-stop in the car since we have been back. Love it!