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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dull Details Part 3

Our school system at this time: Ephraim (16) meets with Leon and I every morning from 6-7 am to talk about life purpose and goals etc. He is enrolled in a college program called College Plus. He works with Leon and a College Plus Coach to schedule his time. He works on multiple subjects. Along with these he is studying for the Sociology CLEP test right now which he takes in 2 weeks.

Currently Asaph (11) , Havilah (13) and Zuriel (9) are reading great books, writing, going through a Saxon math book and teaching. Havilah is teaching Naphtali (6) multiple subjects , Asaph is teaching Zion (11) math and Zuriel is teaching Simeon (9) beginning Language Arts. Zion and Sim spend additional time working on other subjects including overcoming their language difficulties.

These studies all take place in the morning and conclude at 11:30 am
We also read together every day while Leon is at work. Right now we are reading the book, Home Making by Rev. J.R. Miller. It was originally published in 1882. I recommend it. We are also reading through the Little House On The Prairie series, (again). In the evening, Leon leads us all in worship, scripture etc. On Fridays we all share essays, songs etc.

During the 1 1/2 hour nap time, the older children (9-16) work on finishing up their school work. The younger ones read and/or fall asleep. This is a totally quiet, alone time for everyone.

We believe that almost all activities are educational. The children learn during baking, chores, teaching, animal care etc.
Yesterday Asaph and Zion built tepee's and the others built a fire. Then they ran in asking for food that they could roast.
Ephraim has almost completed the bee hives in preparation for our bees which arrive in April.
Leon is a creative musical fountain continually pulling all of us into it's waters.

I'm sure your family does everything differently and that's the way it should be. I try to go out for a walk every day and most of the time I am begging God to change me or show me what to do about something. He shows me my sin and I grieve over it. Discontent, anger, selfishness, meanness etc.

side note:
Naphtali just came to my almost crying and very mad at Asaph, "Mama, Asaph is being really mean to me, he said to Elsie, 'Elsie, don't mind Naphtali he's a dumb bell, Elsie, can you say; d-u-m-b, b-e-l-l, yeah, good job'". It was funny, so we laughed and Naphtali felt a lot better.

1 comment:

erin said...

I love your family - I also love that you're my family. I crave routine. Pray I can create it. Kiss the children and tell leon that I'm writing music again.