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Monday, January 24, 2011

Most Days- part 2

Most Days part 2

Using the knife he usually had in it's sheath at his side, Ephraim started shaving the plastic on the zipper to get the zipper-pull back on the coat.
"don't shave toward his head", Jen said, slightly alarmed. After a few minutes Ephraim was the hero.... again and 3 year old Mia was zipped up and solemly heading out to milk Crackers the goat.

Naphtali called out excitedly from the couch, "I'm almost done with my hat!". He was crocheting a hat for Uncle Hug Bear.

As was their custom; chore time, which followed each meal, was slightly crazy. As long as all were on task and being friendly it was not discouraged.

When breakfast Chores were all over they gathered for reading time. Currently Asaph and Havilah were reading, Farm Boy, to the rest of us. Then most students went to the table for school. This time was mostly for reading and writing and then math.

Sitting under a blanket with the baby, Jen smiled as she heard the familiar sqeak and groan of Ephraim opening the wood stove door and then the clang of the tool helping a large log in. She was glad.

She had one of her favorite skirts on today. It was green with little red roses all over it. She made it 9 years ago while living in Vancouver, WA. Under that skirt she wore a wool skirt and long johns. She also wore 3 layers on top. Despite the layers, she was cold. After the baby woke she would warm up by grinding grain or climbing the stairs.

Havilah and Mia were leaning over a paper. Quietly Havilah urged Mia, "let's see if we can find the 5." Asaph had been teaching Zion the first Saxon math book. Every concept and phraseology was new to him and he couldn't yet read it alone.

Happy Zuriel had finished her math book after 2 years of hard work. She earned $50 and a full week off of school. "I think", said Jen with a desire to give pleasure, "she will be my pizza maker today." This was considered by all the children, to be a grand priviledge.

Zuriel taught Language Arts to Naphtali and Sim under Jen's supervision. Both Asaph and Zuriel were patient teachers, hardly ever using a negative tone with their students. Jen was surprised therefore, when she heard Zuriel lose her patience after Sim repeatedly gave a wrong answer.
Jen was amused and said, "Zuriel, remain patient. If I wanted someone to get mad at Sim when he got the wrong answer, I'd teach him myself."

Havilah and Mia must have found their 5 down by the wood stove because they soon came up stairs. Mia had ashes on his face exactly like a 5 o' clock shadow. He said in a deep voice, "Since I'm an adult can I split a Kombucha with Havilah?". He loved when this type of thing was taken seriously, so after laughing, Jen assumed a sincere tone. "Of course, I can see by your beard that you must be an adult".

Naphtali noticed that this worked pretty well for Nehemiah and decided to try it for himself the next day. Jen was not surprised to see him come up with a 5 o' clock shadow and he received the same grace.

At 11 am they all had rowdy fun with their flashcards. At 11:30 they enjoyed a break before lunch. The big children were sent out to play. What a play room. The odor of the cold , damp air this day was full of forest secrets. Jen felt called out by them but, her little flock was going to come in hungry like only boys can.

Thank you for visiting. How do you feel about spinach? Mia feels the same way, check out part 3

1 comment:

erin said...

Oh Jennifer, I love this so much!