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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Never Fear Children, Papa Is Coming!

We finally got the call that we've been waiting 3 years for. The boys are ready to come home!

The laws have changed over these last 3 years. The children are not escorted by Angel's Haven anymore. One of the new parents has to come and pick them up.

So, Leon is going to Liberia, Africa! He will leave June 5th and Lord Willing he will return with the children on June 14th. That is the day before Simeon's 9th birthday and two days before Asaph's 11th.

The plane flight is booked. The tickets have to be purchased by Friday. By that time I should have a confirmed appointment for him at the Embassy in Monrovia, Liberia and the money for the tickets.

The Lord has supplied all of our needs for this adoption so far, according to his riches in glory. We couldn't possibly afford to eat, live and adopt and yet, the money has been there every step of the way.
We don't have the money for the plane tickets and the additional expense of traveling to Liberia.
I have faith that God will provide if it's His will. I don't believe that it's about us or how we feel.

At the very beginning of this adoption journey I believed that, God was going to show us and the church that, "He is able". Then so many details and time and life happened that I sort of forgot about that vision. I believe it again.


Denise said...

CONGARTULATIONS!We brought our son home from Liberia 8 weeks ago.

erin said...

He is able. What a great reminder. do far more than we can imagine. Thank you Lord for your faithfulness!

Jilann said...

So exciting that it is finally happening!!