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Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Letter to a friend #2

We have been learning about the gospel and grace for about a year now. Lately we've been learning of our need to surrender to Him. There is nothing that we can do to make Him love us more and nothing that we can do to make Him love us less. He is completely satisfied with you and I (because of Jesus).
He knows that we are losers, fakes, liars, weaklings etc. that's why He came for us, He adopted us. He is the hero, not us. He is the overcomer. He does not fill in the gaps where we fail or where we are not quite 'doing it right'. Our whole endeavor to 'measure up' is what's broken.

When I feel that people think I'm a bad christian, bad mom, bad person I don't need to defend or justify myself. I can just say, "that's right and you don't even know the half of it, I'm WAY worse than that", ..Praise Jesus my All in All, my goodness!

I knew this about Jesus when I first accepted Him but, I must have forgotten somewhere along the line.

We can rest in Jesus, smile, laugh and fail happily. Surrender.
love, jeni

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