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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Happy Birthday To Me!

"I'm the happiest 38 year old in the world", I said to Leon before I got up this morning. I lay in bed and nurse my little tiny girl. Her feet tickle me. We are both warm under the flannel covers. I stare at her and wonder how I get to feel this pleasure in a world where women my age are hustling around getting their children ready to go somewhere this morning. I lay preparing to face my domestic duties and home school my favorite people in the world. What funny thing will Nehemiah say to me this morning? How many times will he change his clothes and leave the old ones wherever he took them off? How many hugs will I get before lunch?
It's my birthday so I made chocolate chip cookies and decided not to get stressed out about anything.
In 2 years I will be 40. Will I be snuggling a new tiny wonder that day and staring into innocent eyes? Maybe, maybe not. His mercies are new every morning.

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