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Friday, September 25, 2009

Havilah broke her foot, "ouch"

Havilah broke a bone in her foot playing a running game with everyone on Wednesday night. Thursday we spent all day in Bonners Ferry tending to that. She came home with a cast-like splint and crutches. She will likely get a regular cast pretty soon.

I am hand washing our laundry again and loving it. It is fast, easy and enjoyable.

Elsie is smiling more. She is usually very serious but, a couple times a day she lights up our lives with a huge, toothless, whole face smile. This morning before sunrise I was sitting up in bed nursing her. I could feel her warm skin on my skin and hear her heavy breathing. Her head was in the crook of my arm and her cheek was on my breast. The light of the new day began coming through the crack in the curtain and shining on her head making her hair golden against the darkness of the room. There is no experience in the world that is sweeter to me than that.

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