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Saturday, August 04, 2007

adoption, tomatoes and my tiny friend

Adoption Update: I just met our case worker and made a new friend. We just finished our home study with all the interviews and looking over our house etc. We have only to get the answer to an insurance question and buy a baby gate to put in front of the wood stove. The case worker said the rough draft of the home study would be done in about a week. Then if we don't find any mistakes she can print out the real thing. It will be about 9 pages long. It's been 10 1/2 years since I first knew we needed a home study before we could adopt. I can't believe we actually have it done!!(almost).
When we have the home study printed out we can send it with our dossier to Liberia. We are only waiting on God for one more thing before we can send the dossier. After that I think we just wait for a referral for 1-2 children They will send us information on several children and sibling groups and we can either accept them or ask for another set to choose from. Then we wait again. Then they will call and if it's possible Leon and I will both go to get our children and bring them home. If we are not able to do this, then just Leon will go or we will have them escorted. I think Leon will probably end up going alone but, we'll see.

Of course I am astounded with God: I've been learning something new lately. It's not profound but, I just never understood it before.
The reason we are to do good works is for God's own glory. It's not for the tomato plant to be proud of how excellent it's fruit is. The fruit only brings attention to the skill of the gardener. When God sees us grow and change into the likeness of His son Yshua, it brings glory to Himself not us. He is the gardener who was able to bring a good fruit out of the dark, cold ground.

Baby Nehemiah: He looks at me like I'm sooooooo great!! He opens his mouth and smiles with his whole face; his little pink tongue and big fat soft cheeks and tiny moist eyes. He coos and giggles a little. When I gaze back at him I long to be worthy of that gaze. I intend in my heart to be a better mama and friend. I decide even to walk taller and let my eyes shine more with my love.

1 comment:

erin said...

can't wait to see you in less than a month! Yippee!!