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Thursday, February 08, 2007

sweet feet, gifts from God

Yesterday I was thinking about what to plant in a garden and when to get chickens and today it's a winter wonderland outside. It's captivatingly beautiful.
We are still in the hotel. Every morning at about 9:30 the kids and I go out on an explore and when we come back the beds are made, the floor is vacuumed, the towels are replaced with clean ones and all the counters and windows are wiped. I hope that keeps happening when we get to the new house.
When I was a girl, I would go out to school and when I got home all these things were done and there were cookies and dinner cooking in the oven. I was sorely dismayed when I moved out and got married and this did not continue. It took me years to learn to clean my own house. UGH, I am an awful slow learner but, I do indeed learn and for that I thank God who is continually conforming me into the likeness of His son.
Speaking of being made in the likeness of God, I wish I could share the joy and sweetness of my newest blessing. I feel him/her wriggling inside me and when I press on his little elbow or foot or hand he pulls back and reaches out again. It's our first game or affection exchange.
The most common comment I hear when I go out with the kids is, "you sure have your hands full". I sometimes respond ,"better full than empty". Sometimes I just light up and say rapturously, "Yes, I do". I think a more insightful thing for onlookers to say would be, "Wow, God has blessed you abundantly". There is a sad, humanistic deception that robs christian homes of rewards that God desires to bestow on them.
Thank you God for the rewards, arrows, and blessings. Please increase the godly seed that you create to do good works which you planned in advance for them to do.
We love you all. Thank you Charissa for flying out to stay with my children while Leon and I flew to Idaho and found a house to serve God with. Only you and God know the innumerable sacrifices and inconveniences you had to endure to serve us in this way.


erin said...

I am so glad you're blogging again! I check almost every day! I love you guys and can't wait to drive out and see all of you again!!! xoxo - erin

Anonymous said...

Great work.