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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

re-thinking television

4 more days and we are moving to our new house!!! (that will be Feb. 17th). We are very eager and excited to go.

We've been having a strange struggle. There is just so much going on that is huge, that we aren't content with the normal, daily stuff. We get itchy to have something "happening" all the time. Because we are living in a hotel, we had the option to run to the T.V. This seemed to relieve the discontent because it was instant gratification. It was so energetic and fast and constant. It was so opposite the evenings we had previously spent sitting around the table playing games with the kids or singing and reading together. In fact, the more we watched the T.V, the less any of us wanted to spend our evenings doing those other things together. Leon saw this and (with God's strength) put an end to it. The T.V wasn't to go on again at the hotel and it was back to our sweet fellowship, eye contact and listening to each others rambling tales.

It was almost 10 years ago that God used Ephraim to convince us to throw our T.V in the dumpster. That first month was full of agony and depression over the loss. After that, we never regretted it. We can't imagine how we ever had time to watch all those shows. We have been so busy enjoying real life such as looking into Naphtali's eyes when he talks and noticing how perfectly shaped his little nose is and wondering what name to give to that heavenly shade of red on his lips.

1 comment:

erin said...

Love this. It's so true. Miss you all so much. Kiss our neices and nephews for us!