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Monday, December 04, 2006

Bartlesville Blizzard

On Tuesday it was 75 degrees. The kids and I were tooling around care free without coats. The next morning (Wednesday) at 7 am it was 70 degrees and felt like spring. I was driving Leon to work. The radio announcer said "prepare for winter,.. it will be here by the time you are driving home from work today".
I picked Leon up from work and it was raining heavily. The thunder and lightning that began in the night had continued throughout the day and still into the evening. I drove in an unfamiliar area of Tulsa. It was pouring rain and dark and the weather report was for freezing rain and sleet to start any minute. There was a tornado watch for the very area I was driving into. Leon was driving in a different vehicle and we were feeling a bit stressed out. Did I mention we were lost? We finally got where we were heading and finished our business and began heading home. Everyone in Tulsa was telling us that the weather in Bartlesville is stormier and colder and they were expecting more snow.
We drove in two separate vehicles. We were feeling a bit more relaxed until we started driving through falling sleet. The sleet was very thick on the road. It looked like the Portland roads on a warm day after a big snow. My windshield was icing over and I knew if it got much worse I wouldn't be able to see through it. If I had to pull over I'd be stuck. I had no ice scaper and who would be crazy enough to stop. We made it home eventually.
The next day Thursday there was a blizzard warning. Leon stayed home from work as the roads were treacherous and sleet fell all day. By evening there was at least 4 inches of snow on the ground over 2 inches of sleet and it was expected to snow throughout the night, which it did. The nighttime temperatures were supposed to get down to the low teens. Just as dark was falling, the power went out. We have no alternative source of heat, no window coverings and the windows are extremelly thin. We asked the Lord to save us. We camped out in the kitchen and closed all the doors in the house to trap as much heat as we could. Leon turned on the gas oven for a few minutes to take the chill off. We could see pretty well because of all the snow outside. The power wasn't off for long and we were all kept warm enough.
Friday morning the sun came out and it shone all day in a rich blue sky. Leon stayed home again. We had about 13 inches of snow with more in places. Much more than Tulsa. The kids played all day for the second day in a row.
This morning (Saturday) it's bright and cheerful outside. More ice fell during the night so we aren't going anywhere. The kids will stay out playiny much of the day I am guessing. It is 8 degrees right now so we will probably let it warm up some. I think the report was for 31 degrees today but, I'm sure it will change. It's been a fun world for us these last few days while certainly not without it's trouble. All my life I have gotten excited about the possibility of snow and then felt let down when it melted soon and was never as much as I hoped for. My brothers know well what I'm talking about as we shared these hopes and dissapointments together while growing up. This week it's been different. It snowed more than they expected and the forecasts would change to the colder. I laughed out loud Wednesday night when the radio reporter said there was a 100% chance of 4-8 inches for Thursday. 100% chance. When have I ever heard that?? Can they even say that?
Update: Leon went back to work today over our ice covered side street. This is the 5th day of snow play for the kids. It is expected to begin melting today and continue warm throughout the week.
"Thanks Lord, for this unexpected treat, we have tried to not take it for granted, please keep everyone warm and dry enough".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How great to live in a place where you're sure to get snowed on! I'm so glad God rescued you and got that power back on. Chris would have loved that 'scary' driving. For some reason, he has a thing for risky situations. That's where we're opposite!
Kiss the kids for me...I look forward to seeing you all + 1 in August!