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Sunday, July 10, 2005

Dying, Dampness, Refreshing, Rubies

We camped near Frederick, Maryland. We saw Gettysburg and Antietam. The bloodiest battles on American soil. (Somber reminders... Just what is worth that kind of sacrifice? What cause is worth dying for? Jesus demonstrated what was valuable to him. Us! Jesus is worth dying for. People are worth dying for. Beyond that, I'm not sure. Feel free to comment, I'm interested in your perspectives on this deeply personal question. - Leon)

There was a tornado warning our last night. I was excited until we snuggled in for the night listening to the rain. I quickly got frightened and explained to God that while I want to see a tornado, I don't want to see it up close or have anyone get hurt. I couldn't sleep much that night. Our sleep has been difficult some nights. Naphtali will wiggle off the bed and cry or we will have a mosquito killing party. Once Naphtali woke up sick and wouldn't sleep much that night. Once Leon found (Charissa will love this) cockroaches in the R.V. A couple times the vent above the bed started dripping. We tried to sleep with a pot between us. That didn't work, the bed is so small and snuggling a cold pot woke us up all night. The last night we got dripped on, I grabbed a blanket and laid it over myself to catch the water. It funneled it onto Leon all night and his side was soaked. We got the tail of hurricane Cindy for a whole day and night. By the time we got to Boston there was constant dripping through the ceiling throughout the R.V as well as coming up from the ground. I mused about trying to fish in the puddle in the cab. I kept my feet on either side of it while traveling.

We stayed 3 days and nights at Leon's brother's in Boston. It was an oasis. We washed everything, caulked, soaked up water, showered and slept. We ate like kings and were waited on hand and foot. The kids shared the fever and had a chance to rest it off.
We cancelled Baptist Children's Home and are heading straight to the Above Rubies house in Tennessee to sing to them. Pray that we can encourage them and bless them in some way. God is in control.

If you want a great, Godly book on tape; try The Sugar Creek Gang. Thanks Teresa.
Louise, the yellow crocheted afghan that you made for us has been a great comfort to Naphtali.
God bless all of you with joy, struggles etc., whatever it takes to form us all into His image.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you will be checking your comments, or phone messages soon, but if you guys need ANYTHING, let us know.
